
As I entered my mid-late teen years my feelings of alienation from others in my school became intense and consuming. I grew to hate many of my contemporaries as nasty, shallow, and repulsive. … More Hide


Why do we hide? I find it extremely interesting that the people that seem the most honest with themselves and with others are those who are in, or have been in a drug/recovery program. One of my favorites is author Augusten Burroughs. His story “Running With Scissors” and “Dry” along with all his other memoirs take a … More Hiding

day 65…

The more  i think about “church” the more detached i feel. i guess that is not a good thing. but there exists such a dichotomy that i do not know if there ever can be an integration. these are the issues for the average american evangelical church… rabid patriotism, abortion, prayer/bible reading in school, homosexual agenda in general, gay marriage … More day 65…